Day 9: Pōneke


Yesterday we drove to Pōneke and played the first of three shows at San Fran.

My day started in the kitchen cooking breakfast alongside Oli Devlin. We made potato hash, scrambled eggs, and leftover refried beans, topped with sour cream and grated Edam.


Late in the morning we departed our Airbnb and drove straight to San Fran, located on Cuba St in central Wellington. Our afternoon was spent packing into the venue and sound-checking before we parted ways to attend various dinner commitments.

The show was an utterly joyful experience. Vera Ellen and her band threw themselves into a raw and powerful performance. The audience brought with them a huge energy that we were thrilled to be on the receiving end of. Particular thanks go to ‘play little death’ guy for his consistency, endurance, and use of space.

Today’s profile is on a member of our team who is largely invisible to the public eye but still plays a critical role in the day to day running of the band.


NAME: Elizabeth Stokes Seven

AGE: 22

ROLE: Trainee

FACTION: Dauntless

SKILLS: Folding, Instant Ramen, memorisation, parkour.

OS: Leopardprint 10.15


USB PORTS: Compulsory

BLUETOOTH: Really good

STAR SIGN: Acidophilus

CEREAL: Kellogg’s All Bran Original

Photo by Richard Parry

We are incredibly lucky today to be graced with a brand new episode of Callum Song Time.


Day 10: Pōneke, pt 2


Day 8: Rest day